Fall: 2024: Page Lambert’s essay “Brush Strokes” was a short-list finalist for the Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest (placed 21 out of 2,249 entries). “The judges would like to recognize these finalists for their outstanding efforts: Penny Dahl, Jane Finlayson, Stephanie Green, Louise Hawes, Darla Himeles, Page Lambert, Nancy Philipp, Faith Shearin, and Jennifer Steil.”
Spring, 2023: Page’s Wyoming memoir, In Search of Kinship, listed as top finalist in the Eric Hoffer Book Award competition.
Winter, 2022: Historically Jeffco Magazine (published by Jefferson County Historical Commission) features Page Lambert’s essay, “Mount Vernon Builds a Barn: How Jeffco’s Historic Mountain Community Turned Fire Danger into a Horse Haven.” Click here to read.
Summer, 2020: Langscape Magazine published by Terralingua features Page Lambert’s poem “Reclamation” in their Summer/Winter 2020 issue.
Summer, 2020: The Ocotillo Review published by Kallisto Gaia Press publishes Page’s poem “Alone at Pranzo’s”
Fall, 2018: Page’s essay “Deerstalking: Contemplating an Old Tradition” appears in Memoir Magazine: Guns & People Issue, (the essay was first published by Parabola Magazine of Myth and Tradition, later became a chapter in her memoir In Search of Kinship, and was reprinted in the anthology Women Write about Hunting).
Spring, 2018: Page is hired by Fulcrum Publishing to write a chapter on the rural American West for their definitive book The Light Shines from the West, a 200 year-history of the American West.
December 18, 2017: Page Lambert’s most recent essay “Never for Sale: Listening (or Not) to the Language of the Land,” appears in the Winter 2017 issue of Langscape Magazine, a publication of the Terralingua organization, which works to sustain the biocultural diversity of life.
July, 2016. Lambert’s essay, “Mother Tongue,” published in Sojourns: Landscapes for the People (the Peaks, Plateaus, and Canyons Association’s National Park 100-year anniversary issue).
“Your poem in Open to Interpretation is everything I love about poetry… it speaks both to empathy and objectification. It has the ‘gut punch’ I long for in poems. I am gathering pieces to nominate for the Pushcarts, and am pleased to nominate this poem.” Lisa Courturier, Contributing Editor, Pushcart Prizes.
Praise from Huffington Post 50: “We plan to feature The Widow of Loreto on Huff/Post 50. It’s one of the best we’ve read since we started doing this fiction project. Thanks very much for giving us a chance to showcase your work.”
“Congratulations, your love story Body Knowledge has been accepted for the Stories on Stage event Love Stories and Other Disasters. Your story will be performed during an evening of storytelling about done-me-wrongs and broken hearts at the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art.”
In addition to the published books below, Page’s work has been selected for publication in regional and national magazines including The Writer, Sojourns, Christian Science Monitor; Parabola, Magazine of Myth and Tradition; and Reader’s Digest.
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Modern Pioneering on the Western Landscape
Eric Hoffer Book Award Finalist, 2023
Page Lambert’s Wyoming Memoir, Fulcrum Publishing, Golden, Colorado
(2001, 1996; hardcover & trade paperback)
In the tradition of Terry Tempest Williams, Gretel Ehrlich, and Linda Hasselstrom. A universal story of the modern search for roots and traditions, In Search of Kinship offers a deep initiation into the process of connection to place and the resilience that rootedness offers. As she and her family face heartbreak and ultimately prevail, Lambert finds balance in the one unbending link to the future: the land itself. Emotionally powerful, lucid and insightful, In Search of Kinship is a moving portrait of our ultimate kinship with the land.

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A finalist for the Mountains and Plains Book Award for Best Novel, Shifting Stars (Forge Book, Tom Doherty Associates, New York) was selected by the Wyoming Humanities Council in the fall of 2004 as the top choice for the on-line book discussion program, “Journey through Wyoming.” The novel is available in unabridged audio, mass-market trade paperback, and hardcover.
authors of the best-selling People series.
author of Henry Thoreau and John Muir
Among the Native Americans, and other works.
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An exploration of the innovations and expansions that have shaped the West and the American landscape from 1800 to today, this groundbreaking book shines a light on the stories of the people and places integral to the development of our nation. From land genealogy to the politics that form when new land and cultures are discovered, this book provides an overdue and insightful overview of western American history. Offering a western perspective on the growth of America, this book (released by Fulcrum Publishing in April, 2018), is edited and co-written by Robert Baron.
The book includes a lengthy chapter on the Rural West, written by Page Lambert. A few of the other contributors include Daniel R. Wildcat writing from the Native American perspective, and Elizabeth Darby writing about the women of the West.
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Langscape Magazine is an extension of the voice of Terralingua. It supports their mission by educating minds and hearts about the importance and value of biocultural diversity. Langscape aims to illustrate biocultural diversity through scientific and traditional knowledge, within an appealing sensory context of articles, stories and art.
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The Peaks, Plateaus & Canyons Association (PPCA) celebrates the 100-year anniversary of the National Park Service in this centennial issue. The editors reached out to Page Lambert and asked her to craft an essay. “Mother Tongue, Heartbeat of the Land” was the result.
A chapter excerpt from Page Lambert’s novel All the Water Yet to Come, was awarded First Place in the Writers Studio Literary Awards and appears in the prize-winning literary journal, The Progenitor Art & Literary Journal (produced each spring by ENG 231 Literary Magazine and the Multimedia Graphic Design Capstone 281).
In West of 98: Living and Writing the American West, 66 of the West’s most respected authors, Larry McMurtry, Louise Erdrich, Jim Harrison, Rick Bass, Barry Lopez, and Gretel Ehrlich, to name only a few of this illustrious group, dismantle the “boosterism of manifest destiny” and show instead how “we must create new narratives of cooperation if we are to survive in this spare and beautiful country.
“Writing personal stories about the landscapes we love is a radical act. A protective act. A celebratory act. Even an act of desperation. It is also an intimate and sensual act. Sometimes I crave the western earth like food, or breath, or sex, or water. I cannot imagine hungering for another landscape in quite the same way, nor can I imagine writing about another landscape in quite the same way.” From Page Lambert’s essay, “A Shape-Shifting Land” (download “A Shape-Shifting Land” by Page Lambert)
The influence words have on photographs, and vice versa, is of perpetual fascination to those who love the dance of meaning inherent in both types of writing–that is, with letters and with light, such as you’ll find in Claire O’Neill’s publication, Open to Interpretation. Ms. O’Neill describes the theme of her final issue, Love + Lust, this way: “Lust is an intense appetite, craving, or untamed desire. We lust for an array of things—money, power, objects, sex, or just living life. Love is a powerful affection or personal attachment and comes in a variety of forms, which can encompass romantic, sexual, platonic, narcissistic, or even religious feelings or attitudes. Show us your interpretations. Who or what do you love or lust for? What images capture these emotions for you?” Page’s poem “For Carol Muske’s Light-Eyed Drunken Girl” (nominated for a Pushcart Prize) accompanies the photo “Jezebel” by Stephanie Glaros.
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Peaks, Plateaus & Canyons Association
The Winter/Spring 09 issue of Sojourns (the beautiful publication of the Peaks, Plateaus & Canyons Association) features essays by Page Lambert, Hal Cannon, Peter H. Hassrick, Kanin Routson, Larry Lindahl, and Tony Foster. Also included in this issue are “small windows into the lives of writers, artists, photographers, and musicians.” Includes cameo offerings from Craig Childs, Scott Thybony, Stephen Trimble, and Pattiann Rogers.
“It is said that Picasso could paint a yellow spot and turn it into the sun. Our lives are worthy of such transformation. The desire to transform our life experiences, to make sense of our journey through life, urges many of us to keep a journal. Where would we be without the diaries of explorers like Marco Polo, Isabella Bird, and John W. Powell?”
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Winner, Colorado Book Awards 2008 for Best Anthology
In Home Land, Western writers take an up-close look at ranching in the West, healing the urban/rural divide, and creating ways of working from the radical center. Editors Richard Knight, Jeff Lee, and Laura Pritchett. A Rocky Mountain Land Library title. Johnson Books, Big Earth Publishing, 2007.
From Page Lambert’s essay Birth, Death and Renewal: Living Heart to Heart with the Land: “Legend has it that when the ancient Greek hero Hercules engaged in mortal combat with Antaeus, the son of Neptune and Terra – Ocean and Earth – he almost lost the battle. Every time the body of Antaeus came in contact with the Mother Earth, his strength was mysteriously renewed. Mighty Hercules slew Antaeus only because he managed to wrestle the giant’s body from the land, lifting him away from his source of strength, his very source of life. When I moved from our small ranch in the Bearlodge Mountains of Wyoming, I felt as if I, too, had been torn from the earth. Severed by a Herculean destiny from all that sustained me.”
Contact Page Lambert about First Editions.
View trailer of Kathleen Jo Ryan’s
“Right to Risk”
Grand Canyon DVD.
Winner of the Willa Cather Award, forward by Gretel Ehrlich
Page Lambert was one of 15 writers selected by producer and photographer Kathleen Jo Ryan to contribute to Writing Down the River: Into the Heart of the Grand Canyon. Other contributors include Denise Chavez, Linda Ellerbee, Linda Hogan, Teresa Jordan, Ann Zwinger, Annick Smith, Ruth Kirk, Judith Freeman, Evelyn White, Leila Philip, Sharman Apt Russell, Barbara Thomas, and Brenda Peterson.
The Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport featured a six-month exhibit of the book from May to October, 2004, and the Grand Canyon Association exhibited the display at the historic Kolb Studio on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon during the winter of 2005. The exhibit continues to travel the country. Contact Kathleen Jo Ryan for an update on the DVD production of Writing Down the River.
Santa Fe Literary Review 2008
“Feasting in the Face of It” by Page Lambert. Review Published by the School of Liberal Arts and Core Studies of Santa Fe Community College; editor/faculty advisor Miriam Sagan. Includes work by John Brandi (NEA Poetry Fellowship recipient), Debbi Brady, Dr. Ann Filemyr (Academic Dean at the Institute of American Indian Arts), and Donald Levering, Maureen Talman Flannery, and Pamela Uschuk.
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Wyoming Fence Lines
An anthology of original work by 57 writers from Wyoming and beyond. Edited by Wyoming Poet Laureate David Romtvedt and published by the Wyoming Humanities Council and the Wyoming Arts Council. This anthology celebrates the Wyoming tour of the Smithsonian exhibition Between Fences. Fall 2007.

In the Shadow of the Bear Lodge: Writings from the Black Hills
Contained in this volume is a rich and full-bodied collection of writing by members of the Bearlodge Writers, Wyoming’s longest standing writing group. Edited by Pat Frolander; Many Kites Press; 2006. Cover illustration by artist Sarah Rogers. Includes the essay, “Silk Shoes and Chinese Amahs” by Page Lambert.

Open Windows 2006: An Anthology of Poetry, Fiction & Creative Nonfiction
Showcases the best entries from a writing contest judged in three different categories, as well as selected pieces. Edited by Sonya Unrein. Ghost Road Press, 2007. Contributors include Aaron Abeyta, Laurie Wagner Buyer, Michael J. Henry, and Page Lambert’s winning entry, “After the Blizzard, Visiting the Ranch.”
Ghost Road Press, 2007, edited by Laurie Wagner Buyer and W.C. Jameson. Includes Page’s poems “Culling Buffalo,” “Even as the Antler,” and “Dispersal.”
This formidable collection of contemporary poetry embraces the West of personal conviction. The editors have assembled the works of twenty writers, whose poems compellingly and memorably represent the modern West. The collection recalls those who have lived and those who live now, revealing tension and harmony between psychological and geographic landscapes, embodying an authentic, unadulterated spirit. Contributors include Mike Blakely, Jon Chandler, Bob Cherry, Gaydell Collier, John Duncklee, Dan Guenther, Linda Hussa, Celinda Kaelin, Page Lambert, Max McCoy, Red Shuttleworth, George Sibley, Larry D. Thomas, Mark Todd, Lori VanPelt, Dale Walker, Richard Wheeler, and Paul Zarzyski.
Alone, after fifteen spring calving seasons,
twenty-four married winters,
I step out the barn door,
pieces of alfalfa cake in my pockets,
specks of manure on my boots.
– from “Dispersal” by Page Lambert
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Crazy Woman Creek: Women Rewrite the American West
Edited by Linda Hasselstrom, Gaydell Collier, and Nancy Curtis. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. Includes contributions by B.J. Buckley, Jane Kirkpatrick, Dawn Senior-Trask, Carolyn Dufurrena, and Page Lambert.
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Heart Shots: Women Write about Hunting
Stackpole Books, Pennsylvania, 2003. Edited by Mary Stange. Includes Page Lambert’s essay “Deerstalking: Contemplating an Old Tradition”
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Deep West: A Literary Tour of Wyoming
Wyoming Center for the Book, Pronghorn Press, 2003. Edited by Mike Shay, Linn Rounds, David Romtvedt. Includes essays and excerpts by 19 Wyoming authors including Annie Proulx, Linda Hasseltrom, Warren Adler, C.L. Rawlins, Alyson Hagy, Tim Sandlin, Mark Jenkins, and Page Lambert.
by Page Lambert
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Ranching West of the 100th Meridian
Island Press, California, 2002. Editors: Ed Marston, Richard L. Knight, and Wendell C. Gilgert.
Recommended by The Nature Conservancy magazine, “Ranching West of the 100th Meridian” offers a literary and thought-provoking look at ranching and its role in the changing West. The book’s lyrical and deeply felt narratives, combined with fresh information and analysis, offer a poignant and enlightening consideration of ranchers’ ecological commitments to the land, their cultural commitments to American society, and the economic role ranching plays in sustainable food production and the protection of biodiversity.
Heart of the Radical Center”
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Woven on the Wind
Houghton Mifflin Co., NY, NY. 2001. Editors: Linda Hasselstrom, Gaydell Collier, and Nancy Curtis. Includes essay “Backbeat” by Page Lambert.
“A fine collection of essays, poems and personal narratives about life in “sagebrush country,” where friendships must weather numerous hardships, this tough and tender new work continues the collaborative effort begun in Leaning into the Wind (1997). The editors, who all manage working ranches, know firsthand the harsh realities of the American West and the bolstering power of friendship among women there. Indeed, sagebrush is a fitting symbol for women of the West, with its hardy adaptability and fundamental importance to the ecosystem.”
Independent Bookstore
Leaning into the Wind: Women Write from the Heart of the West
Houghton Mifflin Company, NY, NY 1997; 1998, Editors: Linda Hasselstrom, Gaydell Collier, Nancy Curtis. Hearts of the West are unburdened in Leaning into the Wind, an anthology encompassing a wealth of experiences from farmers, ranchers, rangers, and other women who live and work in America’s ofttimes harsh, sometimes beautiful high plains states shoehorned between the Mississippi and the Rockies.
“We knew Redy was young when we bought her. Mark had said, “No more mares. They’re too much trouble.” I parleyed, “The mares are no trouble when the geldings aren’t around.” The half-earnest sparring continued. Then Redy was ridden into the sale ring, a gray-and-white paint horse possibly bred to a black-and-white stallion.”
Independent Bookstore
Chicken Soup for the Cat and Dog Lover’s Soul
Health Communications, Inc., Florida, 1999. Editors: Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Carol Kline, Marty Becker, D.V.M.
“Dark descends and Mark goes outside. The light from the living room casts a faint beam across the yard, covering Hondo in a pale ribbon of yellow. The earth carries the vibrations of Mark’s footsteps to Hondo, a reverberation he knows as well as his own heartbeat. He lifts his head and thumps his tail. He makes a valiant effort to rise but is only able to lift his shoulders. Mark sits down and slowly strokes Hondo’s fur.”
Independent Bookstore
Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul
Health Communications, Inc., Deerfield Beach, Florida 1996. Editors: Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Marci Shimoff, Jennifer Hawthorne.
“I stare out the window at Hondo, sleeping on the deck. He has been with us since he was eight weeks old. Gray hairs cover the muzzle of his glossy black head.I think of my father’s beard and how I have watched the streaks of gray widen until gray is all there is. I want to go outside and take Hondo’s gentle head in my hands, look into his brown eyes and speak softly. I want him to cling to our world a little longer.”
Independent Bookstore
The Stories that Shape Us: Contemporary Women Write About the West
W.W. Norton and Company, New York, New York. Editors: Teresa Jordan, James Hepworth. 1995.
“The breath of the meadow reaches us, rustling the soft fur on the belly of the porcupine. Her paws, still stretching toward the sky, cast long shadows in the grass.”
Tumblewords: Writers Reading the West (Western Literature Series)
University of Nevada Press, Reno, Nevada, 1995. Editor: William L. Fox. An anthology of works by 72 contemporary western writers. Includes works by Kim Barnes, Lorna Dee Cervantes, Abelardo Delgado, Anthony Garcia, Pete Fromm, David Lee, and Page Lambert.
“Deer are fleet and nimble. They appear out of nowhere. They disappear like an illusion, the flash of their tails a brief memory that hangs momentarily in thin air before fading into the pine trees. Their elusive quality teases, inviting one to follow, to chase.”
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